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Devin Williams is the 2nd Inmate in 4 Days to Die in Harris County Jail

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Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Devin Todd Williams was booked into Harris County Jail in Houston, Texas, on February 26, 2025, at 9:31 PM. For causes currently unknown, he was pronounced deceased inside the jail within 12 hours. Mr. Williams was the second inmate to die in Harris County Jail within 4 days.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Department filed the custodial death report (CDR) about Mr. Williams on March 18, 2025, the same day they filed the CDR for Eric Dewayne Jackson III. Whereas the summary about the events leading to Mr. Jackson’s death was void of details, the summary about Mr. Williams’ death uses unique though puzzling statements.

The CDR about Mr. Williams states that during the February 26, 2025, booking process, “the decedent was sitting in a chair with a large amount of inmates.” Next, it says that on February 27, 2025, officers tried to wake up the decedent for count. It next states: “The decedent was determined to be unresponsive”. Medical staff arrived and lifesaving procedures began, and the decedent was transported to the jail clinic. The Houston Fire Department was called, and paramedics arrived and assumed lifesaving measures. Mr. Jackson was pronounced deceased in the jail clinic at 9:10 AM.

The Autopsy of Knox County Jail Inmate David Batts Reveals His Cause of Death

David Batts, 46, was arrested in January 2025 and taken to the Roger D. Wilson Detention Facility in Knox County, Knoxville, Tennessee. He struggled with Knox County deputies, who struck Mr. Batts in the face and used a taser against him. Approximately 9 hours later, detention staff requested assistance from EMS personnel due to the “worsening altered mental status” of Mr. Batts. Within hours, he was pronounced deceased by emergency medical staff at a local hospital on January 8, 2025.

The autopsy report states that the cause of Mr. Batts’ death was acute meningitis with sepsis. In addition, the autopsy revealed that his brain was covered in pus that tested positive for streptococcus intermedius.

Inmate Darius Randell Robinson Died of Strangulation in a Homicide at a Louisiana Jail

Darius Randell Robinson Died on April 5, 2016, after incarceration in Caddo County Detention Center in Shreveport, Louisiana. Jail staff reported that he tried to escape his cell a few days after he arrived at the jail. He allegedly charged the staff, and the results of an autopsy indicate what happened to Mr. Robinson next. His neck was broken, and he also had cuts and bleeding from his handcuffs. Mr. Robinson’s probable cause of death is listed as asphyxiation due to “manual compression of neck.” His death was later ruled a homicide.

Looking for Legal Support in a Jail Negligence Case?

Studies indicate that almost 70% of inmates in local U.S. jails with chronic medical problems receive inadequate health care—a troubling reality. If your loved one suffered abuse or medical neglect while incarcerated in a Texas jail and you suspect that it led to their death, you have the right to seek justice. The Law Offices of Dean Malone has extensive experience handling cases involving in-custody deaths, including those resulting from neglect or suicide.

We are here to help. Reach out today via phone, text, or our online form.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh