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Do Texas Inmates Often Suffer Due to Medical Neglect?

Various studies have concluded that denial of medical care for inmates is a common problem in jails across the US, including in Texas. Yet, the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutional right of prisoners to have adequate health care. The requirement comes under the general prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. A continuous hindrance is a public demand for the incarceration of criminals coupled with a distaste for funding necessary inmate services such as health care.

Allegations of “Grossly Inadequate” Mental and Medical Health Care for Inmates

A watchdog group seeking to address the denial of medical care for prisoners in a state outside Texas found that incarcerated individuals are often placed at an unacceptable level of risk for suffering harm and death due to a combination of the following:

  • Understaffing and
  • Under-qualified nurses

The spotlight was on the denial of inmate medical care when the following stories of medical neglect were revealed in the general exposé:

  • A male inmate gradually lost 90 pounds and eventually died from lung cancer that was both undiagnosed and untreated.
  • A female in a county jail suffered from multiple sclerosis, but the condition was both ignored and misdiagnosed until she suffered nearly complete paralysis at the age of 36.
  • Medical neglect of a paraplegic man resulted in physical deterioration leading to the amputation of his penis.

Another watchdog group contributing to the study alleges that inmates are frequently victims of denial of medical care that results in pain, permanent injury, and death.

In this ongoing series, learn more examples of the medical neglect of inmates, medical care requirements established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards, and more.

This website seeks to help inmates in county and city jails in Texas. On this site, there is no intention of implicating persons or institutions in acts of wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh