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Do Texas Inmates Often Suffer Due to Medical Neglect?-Pt.21

Texas County Jails Cited Regarding Deficiencies with Mention of Deceased Inmates Continued

Like Robert Gallegos, inmate Brooks Plecas-Perrin is also mentioned twice in the October 30, 2017, Special Inspection Report citing the El Paso County Jail in El Paso, Texas, for alleged deficiencies in complying with minimum jail standards. A Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) inspector refers to Rule §273.3, which states that all medical instructions of designated physicians must be followed.

  • Per a review of the medication administration records for inmate Brooks Plecas-Perrin, as well as a timeline that the medical staff provided, it was determined that the inmate did not receive all his medications according to the doctor’s orders.

Inmate Brooks Plecas-Perrin was also mentioned in the inspector’s notes about the alleged violation of Rule §273.4(b). This rule requires that separate health records on inmates shall reflect all subsequent diagnoses, treatment, findings, medical isolation, special housing assignments, disposition, distribution of medications, and the name of any institution to which the inmate’s records have been released.

  • All of the documentation that was received from the medical staff of El Paso County was reviewed, and it was found that there was no Medical Administration Record (MAR) maintained showing all of the medications that were dispensed to inmate Plecas-Perrin. A missing MAR could not be located in order to verify that the inmate received his medications per the doctor’s orders.

In the next installment, learn some details from the summary of the death of Mr. Plecas-Parrin while he was in the custody of the El Paso County Jail. See Parts 1 through 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, and Part 20 of this ongoing series.

This website is aimed at providing help to municipal and county jail inmates in Texas, whether they are currently incarcerated or have been in the past. Making implications that a person or organization has been involved in misdeeds is not intended on this website.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh