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Duval County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

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Duval County Jail is among the non-compliant jails currently listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website. In a December 18, 2023, notice of noncompliance, Duval County Jail is advised of the results of a jail inspection conducted on December 6, 2023. The San Diego, Texas, jail has been cited for the alleged violation of one minimum jail standard. The address of Duval County Jail is 401 E Collins Ave, San Diego, TX 78384. The jail can house up to 48 detainees.

Duval County Jail is Cited for Non-Compliance with Rule §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers

Rule §275.1- Regular Observation by Jailers is in the chapter on the Supervision of Inmates. The rule states that every facility shall have the appropriate number of jailers at the facility 24 hours each day. Facilities shall have an established procedure for documented, face-to-face observation of all inmates by jailers no less than once every 60 minutes. Observation shall be performed at least every 30 minutes in areas where inmates known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined.

  • The TCJS inspector reported that while reviewing observation checks from the Duval County Jail for a complaint, it was determined that the jail staff failed to conduct observation checks within the 30-minute timeframe in accordance with minimum jail standards. 

Following a jail inspection that occurred on April 5, 2021, Duval County Jail was cited for three alleged violations of minimum jail standards. The above-referenced rule was included then, as well. TCJS Inspector Jennifer Shumake’s note in the 2021 jail inspection report states: “It was determined that jailers exceeded 30 minute face-to-face observation in areas where inmates are known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, or mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh