Fannin County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection
The Fannin County jail, in Bonham, Texas, failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). A TCJS Inspector inspected the jail on January 26, 2022. The Fannin County jail, which is operated by LaSalle Corrections, is now listed as being non-compliant by the TCJS.
The TCJS Inspector determined, when reviewing staff licensing for the Fannin County jail, that 23 staff members appointed as temporary jailers were not registered for a basic licensing course on or before the 90th day after appointment as required by Texas law. This is unconscionable. Texas law unfortunately allows temporary jailers to be employed at jails – even without any jail experience and without any jail-related education. It is even more troubling when a jail, such as the Fannin County jail, chooses to have 23 staff members, all or many of whom may have no jail education or experience, on staff for several months without even registering for a basic licensing course. Such failure can lead to serious injury or death, both to inmates and staff. Hopefully, LaSalle Corrections, and Fannin County, will quickly remedy this issue.