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Former Jailers Outside of Texas Air Complaints About Alleged Jail Violations – Part 2

DM County Jail 1

The frustration that both former employees at the jail outside Texas have is well-founded, according to recent research. Supposedly, there is little recourse within the state for jail violations. Enforcement capabilities are inadequate when compared with the infractions being reported.

The agency in that state that sets jail standards and has the responsibility to enforce them said that, under current procedures, enforcement options aren’t punitive in nature. For instance, the agency requires jails to provide them with a plan of correction. Their jails also have 60 days to make corrections of jail violations. When a deficiency fails to be corrected, a complaint is filed in the county. These complaints typically go through jail administrators themselves. In other words, there is a general lack of accountability to outside forces. In addition, there are no financial penalties or other corrective measures.

An individual involved with establishing prisoner policies within the state has acknowledged that the lack of accountability to outside forces in local jails in the state is a rampant problem. She also said that their state is hardly the only one in which local facilities lack appropriate accountability.

The authorities with the jail in question made a statement in response to the story. The Sheriff stated that the jail has an established policy and that they are abiding by state standards. In addition, it was stated that the policy with regard to suicide watch is quite strict.

The Sheriff also allegedly went over the proper process by which employee complaints can be made. The former jail administrator said that those were the exact procedures that he followed and for which he says he was fired.

Because of the policy in America that a person is innocent until proven guilty, what goes on inside city and county jails should be a matter of concern for everyone.

See Part 1 of this two-part series.

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–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh