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Garza County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

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Close up of jail cell door

Garza County Jail is among the non-compliant jails currently listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website. In a December 18, 2023, notice of noncompliance, Garza County Jail was advised of the results of a jail inspection conducted on December 12, 2023. The Post, Texas, jail has been cited for the alleged violation of six minimum jail standards. The address of Garza County Jail is 412 E 15th St, Post, TX 79356. The jail can house up to 1,274 detainees.

Rule §263.41 – Training and Drills

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §263.41 – Training and Drills, which is in the chapter on Life Safety Rules and Subchapter D, Plans and Drills for Emergencies. Training and Drills – Training of staff for emergency situations shall be provided immediately upon employment and no less than each calendar quarter for all jail personnel to include fire, emergency, evacuation drills, and location and use of equipment.

  • During the review of Fire Drill/SCBA/Life Safety training, it was noted by the inspection team that not all staff received training. It was determined during the 4th quarter 2022, 14 of 65 staff missed training. During the 1st quarter of 2023, no staff received training. During the 3rd quarter 2023, 88 of 111 missed training.

Rule §273.3 – Health Instructions

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §273.3 – Health Instructions, which is in the chapter on Health Services. All medical instructions of designated physicians shall be followed.

  • During the review of complaint 34245, it was determined that the inmate was seen by a medical provider. A recommendation was made to transfer the inmate to a higher level of care due to the facility having no trained personnel who know how to monitor the patient due to their condition. The recommendation was made on August 24, 2023. The inmate was released on 10/06/2023 without being transferred to a higher level of care.

Rule §273.6 (3) – Restraints

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §273.6 (3) – Restraints, which is in the chapter on Health Services. Restraints – Inmates exhibiting behavior indicating that they are a danger to themselves or others shall be managed in such a way as to minimize the threat of injury or harm. If restraints are determined to be necessary, they shall be used in a humane manner, only for the prevention of injury, and not as a punitive measure. (3) A documented observation of the inmate shall be conducted every 15 minutes, at a minimum. The observations should include an assessment of the security of the restraints and the circulation to the extremities.

  • During the TCJS inspectors’ review of restraint logs, it was determined that 5 hours of documentation could not be produced, indicating 15-minute checks were conducted on inmates that were placed in the WRAP Restraint Device.

Rule §275.1 – Regular Observation by Jailers

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §275.1 – Regular Observation by Jailers, which is in the chapter on the Supervision of Inmates. Regular Observation by Jailers – Facilities shall have an established procedure for documented, face-to-face observation of all inmates by jailers no less than once every 60 minutes. Observation shall be performed at least every 30 minutes in areas where inmates known to be assaultive, potentially suicidal, mentally ill, or who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are confined.

  • Observation records reviewed during the Comprehensive Inspection demonstrated that the required 60-minute and 30-minute observation of inmates was exceeded by staff. Records demonstrate that out of 7998 observations, 3376 were late.

Rule §283.1 (3)(c) – Inmate Discipline Plan

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §283.1 (3)(c) – Inmate Discipline Plan, which is in the chapter on Discipline and Grievances. Each sheriff/operator shall develop and implement a written disciplinary plan, approved by the Commission, governing inmate conduct. (3) Disciplinary Due Process Requirements. (C) Provisions shall be made for at least twenty-four hours written notice to be given to the inmate of the claimed violation or charges against him/her.

  • During the review of 20 inmate disciplinaries, it was determined there were 10 instances where staff did not ensure provisions were made for at least twenty-four hours written notice to be given to the inmate of the claimed violation or charges against him, as required per minimum jail standards. 

Rule §285.1 – Physical Exercise

Garza County Jail has been cited for allegedly failing to comply with Rule §285.1 – Physical Exercise, which is in the chapter on Recreation and Exercise. Each facility shall have and implement a written plan, approved by the Commission, for inmate physical exercise and physical recreation. Documentation of physical exercise and physical recreation shall be maintained for Commission review. Each inmate shall be allowed one hour of supervised physical exercise or physical recreation at least three days per week.

  • The administration was unable to provide logs to indicate inmates were receiving 3 days of recreation as required. Staff were reminded that recreation must be logged indicating 3 days were offered to ensure compliance with minimum jail standards.
Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh