Harris County Jail Fails State Inspection
The Harris County Jail, in Houston, Texas, is now listed as being non-compliant with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The TCJS made this determination after investigation of a complaint regarding inmate Helen Subeka.
The TCJS determined that 64 inmates had remained in holding cells for over 48 hours. As a result, Harris County had to submit a plan to the TCJS demonstrating how inmates would be processed, classifies, and assigned to appropriate housing within 48 hours. The Harris County Sheriff’s Department had to do so within 14 days of receipt of the notice of the TCJS requiring such corrective action. Harris County also had to develop a corrective plan of action to ensure that inmates held over 48 hours are provided the opportunity to purchase personal hygiene supplies, or in the alternative, providing such personal hygiene supplies if an inmate is unable to do so due to being indigent. Harris County Jail problems continue.