Hemphill County Jail Violates a TCJS Life Safety Rule

Hemphill County Jail is currently listed as a non-compliant jail on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website. A special jail inspection report was issued on January 15, 2025, followed by a notice of non-compliance the following day. Hemphill County Jail has been cited for violating a rule governing the jail’s fire prevention plan. There is a fire prevention and fire hazard inspection checklist that must be evaluated no less than each calendar year. The following information is gleaned from TCJS inspectors’ notes:
- A review of the August 29, 2024, fire marshal inspection revealed that Hemphill County Jail was non-compliant with minimum jail standards. On January 8, 2025, a re-inspection was conducted by the fire marshal and the Canadian, Texas, jail was again found to be non-compliant.
The non-compliance notice indicates that corrective action must be completed upon receipt of the notice. It is unacceptable that detainees are exposed to potential harm because the jail where they are incarcerated has failed to take the minimum action in connection with the threat of a fire.
Hemphill County Jail is in Canadian, Texas, at 400 Main Street in Canadian, Texas 79014. The jail has a bed capacity of 18.
What Types of Jail Neglect Can Result in Custodial Deaths?
Jail neglect occurs when an inmate is denied a fundamental right, such as a right to necessary medical care. When a jail detainee dies in custody and the results of an autopsy include any of the following words under causes and contributory causes of death, there is good reason to suspect jail neglect:
- Dehydration
- Malnutrition
- Sepsis
- Suicide
- Denied prescription medication
- Water intoxication
- Lack of care for mental illness
- Untreated alcohol or drug withdrawal
- A failure to deny access to dangerous drugs
Lack of Observation of Jail Detainees Can Be Deadly
When custodial deaths occur in jails, it is important to investigate circumstances surrounding the death. In Texas, for instance, TCJS usually conducts special jail inspections after a custodial death has occurred. Oftentimes, the inspection reveals that just prior to the death of an inmate, the required face-to-face observations were not conducted as required.
Supervision is crucial because suicide is the leading cause of deaths in U.S. jails. Certain charges place inmates at a much higher risk for suicide, according to statistics. This is the type of information jailers receive during suicide prevention training. The following are a few details about a detainee whose charges should have placed him on some level of suicide watch:
- Although many jail suicides occur within the first 24 hours of incarceration, an inmate at risk for suicide due to his charges entered a restroom with clothing that could be used for self-harm. He was not observed for 88 minutes. When he was finally discovered, he had used a jacket drawstring to hang himself. After being immediately transported to a local hospital, within minutes he was pronounced deceased by a physician.
Seeking Justice for a Jail Death Due to Neglect
Being incarcerated should never mean losing fundamental constitutional rights. If you believe your loved one died in jail due to medical neglect, taking prompt action is crucial. The Law Offices of Dean Malone is here to help. With extensive experience handling cases involving jail suicides and other in-custody deaths, our dedicated team works tirelessly to hold jails accountable and pursue justice for grieving families.
Don’t wait to take action. Call, text, or complete our online form today. We’re available 24/7 and committed to protecting the rights of inmates and their loved ones in jail death cases.