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Henry Stephens Dies in Wharton County Jail, TX, on 1/15/21

Henry Donell Stephens was 56 years old when he died in the custody of Wharton County Jail in Wharton, Texas, on January 15, 2021. According to the custodial death report, the medical causes of death of Mr. Stephens were atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Natural reasons and suicide are the top two causes of death in jails. Virtually all custodial suicides are categorized as preventable deaths. The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) establishes the procedures for healthcare for inmates as well as suicide prevention. 

The complaints about medical care in Texas county jails far outnumber complaints about anything else, according to TCJS. Based on a close examination of jail inspection reports for non-compliant jails in Texas, the evidence of failure in the area of providing inmate medical care is not something that can be fully measured during annual jail inspections.

Some aspects of inmate medical care are documented and, unfortunately, frequently show up as areas of non-compliance. One example is with the use of restraints. Monitoring of inmates kept in restraints is required every 15 minutes. It is for health reasons that an inmate who is bound by handcuffs, leg shackles, or who is strapped into a restraint chair that medical attention is required.

Learn more in this continuing series about jails that have been non-compliant in connection with the use of restraints and mandatory medical services provided to inmates.

The posts on this site are intended as resources to benefit inmates in Texas county jails. It is never intended on this website to make an inference of wrongdoing on the part of any persons or organizations.

 –Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh