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Hogg County Jail Inmate in TX Dies of Heart Disease-Pt.3

3d interior Jail

After hearing that Michael Joseph Tokos was possibly in some type of medical distress, the jailer on duty at Jim Hogg County Jail in Hebbronville, Texas, noted the inmate’s shallow breathing. He immediately summoned emergency medical services. When the paramedics arrived, they placed Mr. Tokos in an ambulance. The coming installments of this series will provide additional insights about the November 19, 2022, jail death of Mr. Tokos.

Details on Deaths at a County Jail Outside Texas Continued

According to a researcher, between April 2020 and November 2022, at least 15 inmates have died in the custody of this county jail outside Texas.

A Heart Condition Causes an Inmate’s Death

A 48 year old inmate was discovered in an unresponsive state while he was being detained in a county jail. The jail medical staff proclaimed that he was deceased a short time later. The Medical Examiner’s Office completed an autopsy, and the results showed that the man’s death was attributed to an enlarged heart.

An Inmate Dies from the Effects of Fentanyl, Meth, and Other Toxic Substances

A 39 year old inmate died at the jail in the summer. Few details were provided, but the results of an autopsy indicated that it was an accidental death caused by the combined toxic effect of various substances, including methamphetamine and fentanyl.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

Providing resources of benefit to Texas prisoners who are or have been incarcerated in municipal and county jails is the purpose of this website. Accusing entities or individuals of taking part in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh