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How Serious is the Crisis of Overcrowding Texas Jails?-Pt.5

When overcrowding occurs in the areas dedicated to women prisoners, females are sometimes transferred to parts of a Texas jail that is designated for males. As a result, women are sometimes then in closer proximity to males than allowed by the minimum jail standards established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). Another common issue connected to jail overcrowding is understaffing. During a 2022 inspection, Leon County Jail was found to be non-compliant with regard to both of these areas.

Female Prisoners are Housed Too Near Male Inmates in Leon County Jail

On July 12, 2022, a Jail Inspection Report was issued to Leon County Jail with notice of non-compliance. During the jail investigation about alleged overcrowding in Leon County Jail, an inspector with TCJS found evidence that Rule §271.6 was violated. The rule states that female inmates must be separated from male inmates by both sight and sound. However, when under direct, visual, and proximate supervision, females and males may simultaneously participate in program activities and work details.

  • It was found that females were housed in areas E and F at Leon County Jail, which placed them in close proximity to male inmates.

See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and this continuing series. In the next segment of this series, learn about staffing requirements and alleged violation of Rule §275.4 about jail staff and the supervision of inmates.

Helping inmates who are now or have previously been detained in Texas county and municipal jails is the purpose of this website. There is no intention on this site of accusing institutions or individuals of misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh