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Illicit Drugs Smuggled into Local Jails Endanger Inmates-Pt.3

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Moore County Jail is Allegedly Noncompliant in Detox Cell Observations Continued

The minimum jail standards established by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) regarding detox cells include the following, as mentioned in the September 2022 jail inspection report for Moore County Jail. The address of Moore County Jail is 700 S Bliss Ave, Dumas, TX 79029.

Rule §265.3-Observation During Holding

Per Rule §265.3, when inmates are confined in a detoxification cell, they must be observed by jail personnel in intervals not to exceed every 30 minutes.

  • A TCJS inspector reviewed a video provided by the jail after a custodial death. The video revealed that while the inmate was in a detox aka holding cell, he was not observed on multiple occasions during several hours preceding his death.

A Man in a County Jail is Suspected of Providing Fentanyl that Killed a Fellow Inmate

In a county jail outside Texas, an inmate is suspected of supplying a fellow prisoner with fentanyl. The inmate who took the fentanyl was discovered unresponsive in his cell, and he died. Family members claim that the man had been sober for eight months prior to being booked into the jail.

This type of scenario in which an inmate dies from fentanyl poisoning and another prisoner is accused of supplying the drug has been occurring in local jails all across the U.S.

Learn more in Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

Making insinuations that organizations or persons have been participants in wrongdoing is never intended on this site. This website seeks to provide resources to benefit local jail inmates detained in county and municipal facilities in Texas.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh