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Illicit Drugs Smuggled into Local Jails Endanger Inmates-Pt.8

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

A Jail Worker is Caught Smuggling Drugs into a Local Jail

How are drugs smuggled into city and county jails? One way that was discovered in an investigation at a county jail was that a jail worker was involved in drug trafficking with inmates in the jail. After finding possible evidence, the person and her vehicle were searched. She was found with paper containing synthetic marijuana. Ultimately, the now-former jail worker revealed that a drug dealer offered to pay her to smuggle drugs into the jail. She cooperated and went so far as to confess that she had smuggled fentanyl into the jail.

The ongoing investigation started after an inmate overdosed and was hospitalized. About a month before that, another inmate at the jail died from fentanyl poisoning. The jail worker has not been charged with the inmate’s death. The county sheriff said that more arrests are possible in the future.

An Inmate Admits Distributing Drugs in a County Jail

In another U.S. county jail, a female inmate admitted to distributing fentanyl to fellow inmates. She hid her supply in a body cavity. On the day that a fellow inmate died from a fentanyl overdose, she also confessed that after seeing that the woman became obviously intoxicated and was possibly overdosing, she did not call for help. Instead, to protect herself, she flushed the rest of her fentanyl supply down a toilet.

Another inmate had also taken fentanyl at the same time, and she survived with assistance.

Also see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 of this ongoing series.

This website seeks to help Texas inmates detained in county and city jails. Making allegations that an institution or individual has engaged in wrongs is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh