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Inmate Deaths in Texas County Jails–4th Day in a Row-Pt4

The Harris County Sheriff’s Department filed a custodial death report on inmate Kevin Alexander Sanchez-Trejo on February 17, 2022. The report states that Mr. Sanchez-Trejo was booked into Harris County Jail in Houston, Texas, on November 21, 2021, and died there on February 12, 2022. The address shown for the law enforcement facility where the event causing the death occurred is 701 N San Jacinto Street in Houston, Texas, 77002.

Harris County Jail Allegedly Violates Rule §275.4-Staff

Under Supervision of Inmates in the Texas Administrative Code, Rule §275.4-Staff specifies the formula to determine how many jailers are adequate. Inmates must be supervised by an adequate number of jailers to meet minimum jail standards. For instance, on each floor of a facility where 10 or more inmates are housed, there must be at least 1 jailer per 48 inmates or increment thereof on each floor in order to provide direct inmate supervision as required. Visual inmate supervision must be provided in intervals no greater than once every 60 minutes. Sufficient staff for conducting required functions include jailers, supervisors, and other essential personnel.

Two inspectors with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) signed this jail inspection report. They indicate that the required 1:48 jailer to inmate ratio is being met. However, jailers are being routinely moved from their assigned supervisory duties and auxiliary responsibilities such as classification, intake, and mailroom. The inspectors concluded that at various times there aren’t enough personnel to meet requirements other than the 1:48 requirement.

Also see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this continuing series.

This website never intends to implicate persons or entities in acts of wrongdoing. Posts are added to benefit prisoners detained in Texas county jails.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh