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Inmate Scott Jones Dies at 49 in Bryan TX Jail

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3d interior Jail

Forty-nine-year-old Brazos County Jail detainee Scott Diangelo Jones died at 3:26 AM on January 26, 2024. Mr. Jones had entered the Bryan, Texas, jail 43 days earlier. When he was booked on December 12, 2023, he exhibited medical problems. The custodial death report (CDR) filed by the Brazos County Sheriff’s Department indicates that he did receive treatment for the medical condition that caused his death after admission into the jail. However, the cause of death is pending autopsy results. No specifics about the nature of his medical condition can be found in the CDR.

Information from the CDR’s summary of how Mr. Jones’ death occurred follows:

At about 2:09 AM on the day of his death, Mr. Jones got up from his bunk, went downstairs, and proceeded to the recreation yard. A Dorm Officer approached Mr. Jones to assess what was going on. The jailer identified that Mr. Jones appeared to be in medical distress. He called for medical assistance via radio at approximately 2:12 AM.

Certified Health Professional (CHP) Pratt arrived at the dorm 1 minute later to assess the situation. At 2:14 AM Sgt. Brown called emergency medical services (EMS). Sgt. Brown and Officer B. Martinez assisted Mr. Jones into a wheelchair at approximately 2:21 AM. He was escorted to the release corridor. EMS intercepted Mr. Jones at 2:24 AM and loaded him into the ambulance, escorted by Sgt. Ivey. The ambulance left the sallyport and headed to CHI St. Joseph’s Hospital at about 2:32 AM. A hospital physician pronounced Mr. Jones to be deceased at 3:26 AM.

Families of 14 Detainees Who Died in a U.S. Jail Demand an Investigation

The tragic reality is that happenings in U.S. jails are often evidence of blatant, shocking conditions. After a 14th custodial death within a year in a West Virginia jail, families made an outcry to the federal government to investigate cases of jail neglect. An advocacy group joined in the effort, claiming that many deaths have been both senseless and tragic.

Amidst other concerns, such as suspected medical neglect, is the fact that the 468-inmate-capacity jail had a population of 711 in March 2023, when the story was released. Overcrowding in jails is associated with increased violence, medical neglect, and other adverse situations.

Can You Discover if There Has Been Medical Neglect in Jails?

Detainees have a right to survive their incarceration in a U.S. jail, whether or not they are guilty of the crime(s) they are charged with, if their medical needs can be met by the jail. When inmates need it, they should receive medical attention, according to standard jail practices. When a jail inmate dies, there is an investigation into the events surrounding the death. In some cases, evidence allegedly shows that an inmate was denied necessary medical attention.

Who Can Help with Jail Medical Neglect?

Contact our offices if you have suffered severe problems or if a loved one has died as a result of jail medical neglect. Reasonable medical care is a constitutional right for pretrial detainees. Jailers can be held liable if they are found to be deliberately indifferent to inmates’ medical needs. Call us, text us, or fill out our online form.



Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh