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Jail Abuse Attorney Texas – Families of Inmates who Die in Custody After the Use of Various Restraining Devices Seek Answers

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The family of a 23-year-old man who died in a county jail in 2018 is continuing to bring to light their claims that a WRAP restraining device used on their loved one was nothing less than a “death trap.” A spit hood was a part of the device, and the cause of the inmate’s custodial death was asphyxiation. The coroner made known his conclusion that the presence of the spit hood was a contributing factor in the man’s death.

A WRAP restraining device has four components; and the purpose of using it is to protect officers, staff, and the individuals being restrained. The features of the WRAP device are as follows:

  • A locking shoulder harness has locking buckles made with stainless steel. The harness positions the subject in an upright seated position, which places no pressure on the chest and is recognized as being among the safest positions for recovery of oxygen.
  • The leg restraint holds legs in an extended position and prevents the subject from kicking. The leg restraints have carrying handles so that the subject can be carried when necessary.
  • The ankle strap locks the ankles in a crossed position.
  • A spit hood is included.

A high-profile news story recently led to protests after an individual being subdued by police had a spit hood placed over his head and he allegedly stopped breathing within a few minutes. That individual was hospitalized for months, declared brain-dead, and died after he was taken off of life support.

See this continuing series to learn more.

This is an informational post, as is every post on this website. No suggestions or implications of misconduct or wrongdoing are in any way intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh