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Jail Abuse Attorney – Texas Jails Have Been Dodging Scrutiny Related to Custodial Deaths – Part 3

To continue with details that preceded the 47-year-old inmate’s custodial death, she spent her final night at the jail on the concrete floor, where she used her mat as a blanket. She also tugged her T-shirt over her knees. The face-to-face observations did not occur every 30 minutes, as required. Video records show that some jailers looked through the window to her cell but then walked away. On one occasion, a nurse checked her vitals. Jailers called emergency services 10 hours later.

The following occurred at the hospital:

  • The physician at the hospital placed the inmate on a feeding tube and hooked her up to receive IV fluids.
  • Among the doctor’s findings was that the woman’s optic nerve was swollen, which is evidence that pressure was likely building up in her skull.
  • Her pupils were dilated and did not respond to light.
  • Inside her left eye, the fluids were hazy, and she stated that she could not see.
  • The physician attempted to flex the woman’s neck, but it was too stiff to move.
  • As for her heartbeat, he reported that it was beating as though she had been running a marathon.
  • She was unable to grip anything with her hands, such as a cup of water.

See Part 1, Part 2, and this continuing series to learn more.

This site seeks to assist Texas inmates and their families. There is no intent on this website to imply that wrongs have occurred on the part of an individual or institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh