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Jail Abuse Lawyer Texas – Policies are Explored at a Jail With a High Rate of Custodial Suicides – Part 1

DM County Jail 1

A certain county jail outside Texas has been very much in the spotlight in recent years because of an alarming increase in custodial deaths. At that jail, most of the deaths are suicides in a category that experts say are, for the most part, preventable. An investigative reporter researched the jail and spoke with numerous former inmates and loved ones of inmates. Problems that get the most mentions are concerns related to medication and preventing suicides. In the following as well as in future posts, information is provided about the jail’s policies on those topics.


During intake screening, a jailer that has been trained by the third-party healthcare provider asks detainees a series of questions. The intake personnel asks about mental health and medical history as well as the potential for being at risk of committing suicide. No questions are asked about medications at that point in time. If the inmate mentions prescriptions, an officer may notify the medical staff at the jail. At intake, there is also a private screening for issues related to disability and mobility.

At the time of booking, medications are usually confiscated and, if identifiable, the medications are kept with the person’s other items of personal property. Then, about 10 days after being incarcerated, an inmate will receive a medical evaluation from the medical staff. At that time, the purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether the individual has psychological problems and/or may need medication and medical treatment.

Read about the jail’s policies on suicide prevention in the next segment of this series.

The posts on this site are all meant as informational resources that might help current and former inmates and their families. It is never intended anywhere on this website to make any sort of suggestion that impropriety has occurred on the part of a person or entity.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh