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Lawyer for South Texas – A Spate of Custodial Deaths has One State Proposing Jail Reform – Part 3

To continue the ongoing story of a 36-year-old inmate, one of the deputies who noticed that he looked ill contacted the medical staff at the Infirmary. The deputy explained to the charge nurse that, ever since starting his shift, the inmate had been throwing up. The nurse asked and he confirmed that, yes, he himself saw the inmate throwing up.

Soon after, the phone in the infirmary rang and it was a nurse that was in charge of medication being administered to inmates. The nurse was informed that the inmate was sweating as he lay on the floor screaming. The nurse who was with the inmate said he cannot fake this kind of abdominal pain.

An investigation that occurred later revealed that multiple witnesses saw the inmate vomiting and heard him complain about an ulcer. When an ulcer goes untreated, it can tear, allowing leakage of bile into the abdomen. Of about a dozen inmates who had been incarcerated with the suffering inmate, all but one of them were convinced that he truly was experiencing severe pain and abdominal problems. They also heard him specifically say that he had an ulcer.

See Part 1, Part 2, and this continuing series to learn more about details of this custodial death plus more information about other deaths at the jail.

This site’s posts are intended as informational resources. There is never meant to be a suggestion of misconduct on the part of any individual, organization, or government institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh