Leon County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection
The Leon County jail, in Centerville, Texas, recently failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS). The TCJS notified Leon County Judge Byron Ryder and Sheriff Kevin Ellis in writing of the jail’s non-compliance.
The inspection occurred on or about July 12, 2022. The TCJS inspector found during an investigation of a compliant related to overcrowding, that Leon County had 9 inmates housed in area H which is a multiple occupancy cell which could not exceed 8 inmates. The inspector also found that the Leon County jail housed females in areas E and F in close proximity to male inmates. Finally, the TCJS inspector found, when reviewing a complaint related to overcrowding that Leon County did not meet the 1 to 48 ratio of staff to inmates. Hopefully, the Leon County jail will bring itself into compliance with minimum jail standards.