Limestone County Jail Texas is Cited by TCJS for Non-Compliance

The Limestone County Jail in Groesbeck, Texas, failed a jail inspection conducted by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), per an October 5, 2022, letter issued by Brandon S. Wood, TCJS Executive Director. The Honorable Richard Duncan, Limestone County Judge, and Limestone County Sheriff Murray Agnew were both notified. Limestone County Jail’s address is 1221 East Yeagua Street, Groesbeck, Texas, 76642. Limestone County Jail is now listed as a Non-Compliant Jail on the TCJS website.
The TCJS inspector made notes regarding non-compliance under §273-Health Services Plan, §285-Exercise. Technical assistance was provided in both areas.
Subsequently, TCJS cited Limestone County Jail for non-compliance with §273.2(7)-Health Services Plan- Prescriptions
§273.2(7)-Health Services Plan- Prescriptions
A deficiency was noted under this rule and technical assistance was provided. The TCJS inspector reviewed the Limestone County Jail’s MARS (Medical Administration Record Sheet) for the month of September. There were multiple blank forms that medical staff had failed to document the distribution of multiple inmate’s medications. Follow-up: Within the next 30 days, the Limestone County Jail Administration will submit a plan of action to the inspector on how this deficiency will be addressed and the plan shall include training for all staff in this area. The training roster documenting this training shall be sent to this inspector. Also, once training has occurred, the jail shall send this inspector random MARS sheets on a weekly basis until further notice.
This inspector reviewed recreation logs of the Limestone County Jail, and it was observed that the inmate population did not receive the mandated 1 hour of time or exercise. Furthermore, there was no documentation regarding the reason why members of the inmate population did not get their 1 hour of time. Follow-up: The Limestone County Jail administration will submit a plan of action to this inspector within 30 days on how this matter will be corrected and this plan shall include training all staff on the minimum standard for recreation to include proper documentation. This training shall be sent to this inspector. Also, after the training, the Limestone County Jail we’ll send this inspector random recreation logs on a weekly basis for those 30 days.
Deficiencies regarding the distribution of medication to inmates is an area of non-compliance that obviously has the potential to create harmful outcomes for inmates. All minimum jail standards by which Texas county jails are required to operate are important and almost invariably impact the well-being and/or safety of inmates, jail staff, and/or the public.