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Lynn County Jail Texas Fails State Inspection

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Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

The Lynn County Jail in Tahoka, Texas, failed a jail inspection conducted by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), per a September 12, 2022, letter issued by TCJS Executive Director Brandon S. Wood. The Honorable Mike Braddock, Lynn County Judge, and Lynn County Sheriff Wanda Mason were both notified. Lynn County Jail’s address is 810 Lockwood St, Tahoka, TX 79373. Lynn County Jail is now listed on the TCJS website as a Non-Compliant Jail.

The TCJS inspector made notes regarding non-compliance under §273-Health Services.  Subsequently, TCJS cited Lynn County Jail for non-compliance with §273.5(c)(1)-Mental Health/Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities History Check. Technical assistance was provided in several other areas of deficiency.

Under §271-Classification, 10 inmate files were randomly selected and reviewed. Staff training records and internal classification audits were also reviewed. Technical assistance was provided with regard to inmate classification files. The TCJS inspector found that two inmates were classified incorrectly, though the mistakes did not result in them being housed incorrectly. While the inspector was still onsite, both mistakes were corrected. This did not appear to be a systematic issue within the classification system. Although all jailers have completed the four hours of classification training as required by minimum jail standards, the inspector recommended that all jail staff complete refresher classification training. Follow-up is required: For the next 60 days, staff will scan and e-mail all initial classifications to the inspector every Friday. Any discrepancies noted could result in an additional notice of non-compliance being issued. Staff will scan and e-mail the inspector documentation indicating that staff has received refresher classification training by October 31, 2022.

Under §273-Health Services, 10 files were randomly selected for review. Staff and inmates were interviewed, training records were reviewed, and policy was also reviewed. Technical assistance was provided and there was a citation for one area of deficiency. During the review of inmate Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairment screening forms, it was determined that there were discrepancies on 9 of 10 forms reviewed. Issues included the following: Staff not completing the form in its entirety and staff not documenting proof that the Magistrate was notified within 12 hours per CCP 16.22. It should be noted that the magistrate was notified in all cases. However, the magistrate notification did not detail the reason on the form. On a few occasions, the supervisor and medical were not notified in accordance with the form. Staff was advised to immediately provide training with all staff to include the liability associated with mistakes occurring on the Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairment screening forms. They were also advised to correct these issues immediately. Follow-up required as follows: The staff will notify the inspector when the required training has been conducted. For the next 30 to 90 days, staff will scan and e-mail this inspector all completed Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairment screening forms every Friday. Any issues noted during the review could result in a longer period of noncompliance for Lynn County Jail.

Technical assistance was also provided regarding deficiencies related to inmate complaints and exercise.

Minimum jail standards regarding mental disabilities are in place for the protection of inmates, and it is unacceptable when jails are deficient in these matters.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh