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Matagorda County Jail is Non-Compliant After an Inmate’s Death

The Matagorda County Jail in Bay City, Texas, failed a special jail inspection conducted by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS), per a September 27, 2022, letter issued by TCJS Executive Director Brandon S. Wood. The Honorable Nate McDonald, Matagorda County Judge, and Matagorda County Sheriff Frank Osborne were both notified. Matagorda County Jail’s address is 2323 Avenue E, Bay City, TX 77414. Matagorda County Jail is now listed on the TCJS website as a Non-Compliant Jail.

The TCJS inspector made notes regarding non-compliance under §265-Admission and §269-Records and Procedures.  Subsequently, TCJS cited Matagorda County Jail for non-compliance with §265.3-Observation During Holding and §269.1(5)(A)-Record System. Technical assistance was provided in several other areas of deficiency.

The TCJS inspector noted a deficiency under §265-Admission. After a custodial death, a video was submitted and reviewed. It was discovered that observation rounds were not conducted as mandated by minimum jail standards. Jail administration will submit a corrective plan of action to the inspector as well as to Inspector Sheldon within 30 days, which shall include some type of training for jail staff regarding properly conducting and documenting observations of inmates.

A deficiency was found under §269-Records and Procedures and technical assistance was provided. The notification of the death of an inmate occurred four days after the actual occurrence. It is recommended that jail administration review chapter 269 to ensure that all reporting requirements and records are kept as mandated.

Failing to conduct face-to-face observations in detox and holding cells in intervals not to exceed every 30 minutes can put inmates at a heightened risk. The inspector noted in the notice of non-compliance that an inmate who died in the jail was not observed in the detoxification cell as mandated by minimum jail standards.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh