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McCulloch County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

3d interior Jail

McCulloch County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) currently lists McCulloch County Jail in Texas as a Non-Compliant Jail twice on the TCJS website. The latest of the two special jail inspection reports is dated July 24, 2023. The jail has been cited for 3 violations of minimum jail standards.

The address of McCulloch County Jail is 900 E Main St, Brady, TX 76825. The jail has a housing capacity of 92 inmates. Details on alleged noncompliance follow.

Rule §273.6(3)-Restraints

McCulloch County Jail has been cited for violating Rule §273.6(3)-Restraints, which is in the chapter on Health Services. Restraints Part (3) states that a documented observation of the inmate shall be conducted every 15 minutes, at a minimum. The observations should include an assessment of the security of the restraints and the circulation to the extremities.

  • The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) Inspector reviewed 30 restraint logs. There were 35 late entries out of 325 entries, which is an error rate of 10.76%. The late entries range from 1-15 minutes over the allotted 15-minute check.

Rule §283.1(c)-Inmate Discipline Plan

McCulloch County Jail was found to be non-compliant with the following rule in the chapter on Discipline and Grievances. Rule §283.1(c)-Inmate Discipline Plan says that (C) provisions shall be made for at least twenty-four hours written notice to be given to the inmate of the claimed violation or charges against him/her.

  • While reviewing disciplinary documentation it was discovered that the McCulloch County Jail is not allowing 24 hours written notice to be given to the inmate of the claimed violation.

Rule §283.1(1)(D)-Minor Infractions

McCulloch County Jail was cited for noncompliance with §283.1(1)(D)-Minor Infractions. (1) Minor Infractions. Violations of rules and regulations which do not represent serious offenses against persons and do not pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Sanctions shall be limited to. (D) loss of privileges for a period not to exceed fifteen days.

  • On 2 occasions out of 20, inmates with minor infractions were given disciplinary sanction time 1 day over the max of 15 days, making it a total of 16 days.

The other recent special jail inspection report for McCulloch County Jail was issued on June 2, 2023.

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh