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Medical Issues & Suicide Cause Many Recent Local Jail Deaths-Pt.17

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Jail Deaths Resulting from Inmate Fights Continued

A Harris County Jail Inmate Dies After a Fight with a Fellow Inmate

Two Harris County jail inmates were involved in a physical altercation on Friday, October 29, 2021. At approximately 11:16 PM that night, detention officers responded to the report of a fight between two males. This was in the 1200 Baker Street jail facility on the third floor in a holding cell.

Authorities discovered that 19-year-old Fred Joseph Harris was unresponsive and apparently severely injured. He was reportedly moved to the jail’s medical unit without delay. Mr. Harris was then moved to Ben Taub Hospital by ambulance at about 11:51 PM for continued care. The other inmate, age 25, was not hospitalized after the altercation.

The Houston Police Department charged the 25-year-old with aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury.

Tragically, Mr. Harris was pronounced dead at the hospital at about 6:15 PM on October 31, 2021. The Texas Rangers conducted an independent investigation into the death, which is standard protocol with state policy and law. An autopsy was conducted by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

When the autopsy was completed, the custodial death report (CDR) for Mr. Harris was amended to show that the manner of death was Homicide (includes Justifiable). The medical cause of death is listed as “blunt trauma of head and neck.” Under “who caused the death” the report shows “other detainee(s).” The means of death is listed as assault.

Learn more in Pt.1,  Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt.5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Pt.8, Pt.9, Pt.10, Pt.11, Pt.12, Pt.13, Pt.14, Pt.15, Pt.16, and this continuing series.

The aim of this website and all of its posts is to provide Texas municipal and county jail inmates with helpful resources. It is never intended on this site to imply that any people or entities have been participants in wrongdoing.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh