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Medical Issues & Suicide Cause Many Recent Local Jail Deaths-Pt.5

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Current News about Inmate Deaths in Local Jails Continued

A 44-year-old inmate of an Alabama county jail died in a local hospital on Saturday, July 16, 2022. Just before he was transported to a nearby hospital, he had made several complaints about medical issues, and shortness of breath was among them. When he left the jail, he was alert, conscious, and walking under his own power, according to the commander of the Violent Crimes Unit in that county. The man’s health condition began declining, however, a few hours after he arrived at the hospital. Emergency medical treatment had been provided, but he died less than an hour after his condition worsened.

Because the man was in the custody of the jail in the moments leading up to his death, an investigation will be conducted by the Violent Crimes Unit. In addition, law enforcement officers and supervisors who are not affiliated with the county sheriff’s office in charge of jail operations where the deceased had been detained will also conduct independent investigations of the death.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and this ongoing series. Information about another custodial death outside Texas will be provided in the next installment. Then the topic of custodial death reports (CDRs) will be touched upon. Two recently filed CDRs seem to bury evidence of suicide within the communications about the deaths.

Helping Texas inmates currently or formerly detained in a county or municipal jail is the reason this website was established. Making insinuations about wrongdoing having occurred on the part of individuals or institutions is never intentional on this site. –Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh