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Medical Issues & Suicide Cause Many Recent Local Jail Deaths-Pt.6

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Current News about Inmate Deaths in Local Jails Continued

In a Missouri county jail, 59-year-old Donald Matthews ate breakfast and told jailers he was fine at 8:30 AM on Saturday, July 16, 2022. Minutes later, jail staff members were conducting a medical check on several inmates, including Mr. Matthews. He had refused a drug screen during booking, which had occurred just hours earlier on Thursday, July 14, at 11:24 PM.

As they entered Mr. Matthews’ cell to make the medical check at 8:40 AM, jailers found him on the floor. They said he was in and out of consciousness. At 8:45 AM, a call for emergency medical assistance was made on all jail radios. At 8:46 AM, 9-1-1 was called. Emergency medical services arrived at 8:53 AM, according to a county spokesperson. Paramedics transported Mr. Matthews by ambulance to a nearby hospital. He arrived at the hospital at 9:26 AM and was pronounced dead at 9:44 AM, a little more than an hour after eating breakfast.

Custodial Death Reports Seem to Conceal Jail Suicides

When a Texas county or city jail inmate dies of any cause, the jail operator–usually the sheriff of the county or a designated appointee–has 30 days in which to file the custodial death report (CDR) with the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

In this ongoing series, learn about two recently filed CDRs that seem to obfuscate that inmates died of suicide. Also see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.

This website purposes to help inmates now or previously detained in county or municipal jails in Texas. Insinuating that a person or institution has been involved in misdeeds is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh