Nacogdoches County Jail Fails State Inspection
The Nacogdoches County jail, in Nacogdoches, Texas, is now listed as being non-compliant by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”). The non-compliance occurred as a result of a March 4-5, 2021 inspection. The TCJS inspector determined that the Nacogdoches County jail violated two minimum jail standards.
When reviewing Medication Administration Records, the TCJS inspector found that such records failed to show that medications were distributed in accordance with written instructions from a physician. The importance of administering medication in accordance with instructions from a physician is fairly obvious. If a jail fails to properly administer medication, it could result in serious injury to or death of an inmate.
The TCJS inspector also examined restraint logs. Jails are allowed to use restraint chairs in only certain circumstances. The TCJS inspector found that Nacogdoches County jail staff exceeded the required fifteen-minute observation checks by as little as one minute, and by as many as seventeen minutes, on multiple occasions. It is vitally important that prisoners who are strapped into a restraint chair be properly observed. Hopefully, the Nacogdoches County jail will bring itself into compliance.