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On a Domestic Disturbance Call, an Armed Man is Allegedly Fatally Shot by Amarillo Police


On Tuesday night, June 27, 2017, a police officer with the Amarillo Police Department (APD) allegedly shot and killed 35-year-old Jason Magana Herrera while responding to a domestic violence and trespassing call. The deadly incident occurred west of the Tri-State Fairgrounds at the Nelson Street Apartments. At about 6:07 p.m., police arrived at the scene. Officers encountered Herrera in the parking lot of the apartments, and they attempted to detain him. Herrera allegedly fought with the officers, and a Taser was allegedly used in an attempt to get him under control. According to the Amarillo Police Department, Herrera pulled out the Taser probes and escaped the officers. At that point, Herrera allegedly pulled out a handgun from somewhere on his person, ran from the police briefly, and then turned and allegedly directed the gun at the police. A news release from APD says that one police officer allegedly fired his handgun at Herrera, as a way of protecting himself and the other officer at the scene. The number of times he allegedly fired was not specified. Herrera was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police reported that a gun allegedly used to threaten police officers was recovered at the scene. Also, the call for police assistance was made by a woman who supposedly knew Herrera. One of the officers suffered minor injuries during the altercation with Herrera. At a local hospital, the officer was treated and released.

According to a witness at the apartments, four or five gunshots were fired during the incident.

Both of the officers at the scene are now on paid administrative leave, and the incident is being investigated.

As with every post on this website, we are only providing information in this post and do not make any allegation or assertion that anyone acted inappropriately or engaged in misconduct.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh