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Parmer County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

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3d interior Jail

Parmer County Jail is among the non-compliant jails currently listed on the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) website. In a December 19, 2023, notice of noncompliance, Parmer County Jail was advised of the results of a jail inspection conducted on December 18, 2023. The Farwell, Texas, jail has been cited for the alleged violation of one minimum jail standard. The address of Parmer County Jail is 300 4th St, Farwell, TX 79325. The jail has a 49-bed capacity.

Parmer County Jail is Cited for Non-Compliance with Rule §271.1- Objective Classification Plan

271.1 (a)(1)(A)(B)- Objective Classification Plan is in the chapter on the Classification and Separation of Inmates. Objective Classification Plan – Each sheriff/operator shall develop and implement an objective classification plan. The following principles and procedures shall be addressed: Inmates shall be classified and housed in the least restrictive housing available without jeopardizing staff, inmates, or the public, utilizing risk factors that include any or all of the following: 

-Current offense or conviction.

-Offense history.

  • Per the TCJS inspector’s report, during the review of classification files, it was determined that 5 of 42 inmates were misclassified during the initial classification. Reasons included listing assaultive felonies that were in fact misdemeanors and listing misdemeanor charges that were in fact felonies. Staff were advised to immediately correct the classifications. These errors do not appear to have resulted in any inappropriate housing of inmates. Staff were advised to conduct training with all staff members who conduct the classification of inmates.


Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh