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Police Misconduct Attorney Corpus Christi – A Police Commander in North Miami to be Fired in Connection with the Charles Kinsey Shooting

A SWAT team enters the CII building of Renssel...
A SWAT team enters the CII building of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute after the discovery of the body of Anson Tripp. See en:Body of alumnus found at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On July 18, 2016, Charles Kinsey, an African American, was allegedly shot in the leg by police as his hands were raised in the air on a North Miami street. Kinsey was trying to coax Arnaldo Rios, a 27-year-old disabled man, to go back inside his group home when the alleged shooting occurred. Rios was holding a silver tanker truck at the time, and police officers involved in the incident said they mistook the toy for a gun. The police allegedly fired three rounds, one of which struck Kinsey. An internal affairs investigation has been underway since the incident occurred. On Wednesday, June 15, 2017, the police commander in charge of the above-described scene was notified that he is being fired. The investigation concluded that the commander allegedly misled the police chief and hindered an investigation into the shooting.

The investigation concluded that Kinsey, a mental healthcare worker, was lying on his back, had his arms raised in the air, and was begging officers not to shoot when a member of the North Miami SWAT team allegedly fired his rifle and struck Kinsey in the leg. According to the investigation, the commander who has now been fired was in charge when this occurred, and Kinsey was being compliant with police commands.

When the alleged shooting occurred, Kinsey was lying next to Rios, who is severely autistic. Rios had been sitting in the middle of the street, playing with the shiny silver toy. The SWAT team member is among those who say they thought the toy was a weapon. He also said that he was aiming at Rios when Kinsey was allegedly shot. Kinsey survived the injuries sustained in the alleged police shooting.

The internal affairs findings, which were released Wednesday, basically allege that the commander gave false or misleading statements with regards to his whereabouts and involvement at the scene.

The commander claims that he has become a scapegoat in this incident and says that he hopes to be fully exonerated.

This has occurred during public backlash directed at the state attorney over alleged lack of prosecution of violent or corrupt law enforcement officers.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh