Red River County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection
The Red River County jail, in Clarksville, Texas, recently failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”). The TCJS inspection occurred on October 7, 2020, and the Red River County jail is now listed as being non-compliant.
TCJS inspectors noted that the Red River County jail violated two minimum jail standards. First, minimum jail standards require that staff be trained for emergency situations immediately upon employment, and then no less than each calendar quarter, to include training regarding fire, emergency, evacuation drills, and location and use of equipment. However, at the Red River County jail, not all staff received required life-safety training during the second and third quarters.
TCJS inspectors also noted that the Red River County jail also violated a minimum standard regarding intake screening. That standard requires certain procedures to identify inmates who are known or observed to be mentally disabled and/or potentially suicidal. TCJS inspectors noted that the Red River County jail is notifying a magistrate, but several magistrate notification forms were completed incorrectly and did not advise the magistrate of indicators documented on the mental health screening form.