Sabine County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection
The Sabine County jail, in Hemphill, Texas, is now listed as being non-compliant by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”). This determination occurred as a result of a January 19, 2021 inspection.
Our Texas law firm litigates a number of cases involving jail inmates who either do not receive medical and/or mental health care, and unfortunately die as a result either as a result of medical issues or suicide. Thus, it is important that county jails in Texas comply with minimum jail standards.
The TCJS determined that the Sabine County jail violated the standard requiring that inmates confined in a holding cell or detoxification cell be observed by jailers at intervals not exceeding 30 minutes. The TCJS inspector wrote that documentation showed that observations of inmates of the Sabine County jail exceeded this 30-minute interval, by as little as one minute, but as much as up to 30 minutes.
The Sabine County jail also violated the standard related to classification training. It is important that jailers be trained in classification of inmates, so that violent inmates are not confined with non-violent inmates, for example.
Finally, the TCJS inspector found that Sabine County jail administration was unable to provide documentation showing at least 4 hours of training regarding mentally disabled and/or potentially suicidal inmates. Such training was required pursuant to the Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan. Hopefully, the Sabine County jail will remedy these issues and once again become compliant with Texas minimum jail standards.