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Scrutiny of Custodial Deaths is Increased in a Texas County – Pt. 8

Suspect with Heart Problems Dies Following Police Struggle

Police officers were attempting to question a suspect in a Texas County when the man began to run. One of the officers tried using an electronic control device (ECD) to stop the suspect, but it was rendered ineffective because the connection was not properly made. The officer then tried to use his pepper spray, which had little effect as the suspect continued to run away.

Next, the officer used his rapid containment baton (RCB), striking the suspect on his left thigh and left arm. The RCB was used to get the suspect to comply, but evasion from the police continued.

When a second officer got to the scene, he assisted the first officer in physically subduing the suspect and placing him in handcuffs. Once the mechanical restraints were on, the suspect complained that he was having difficulty breathing. Emergency medical services had already been requested prior to the complaints being made.

The suspect had an elevated heart rate and was, therefore, transported by ambulance to a hospital nearby. he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at the hospital.

The cause of death, according to the custodial death report, was complications of an enlarged and dilated heart following a struggle.

See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7 of this continuing series.

This site’s posts are intended to help Texas inmates. It is not intended to imply that wrongs have occurred on the part of a person or entity.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh