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Sepsis is the Cause of Death for a Webb County Jail TX Inmate-Pt2

DM Inmate in handcuffs

The custodial death report (CDR) about Christopher Torres-Garcia shows that the medical cause of death was sepsis due to infected drug injection sites. The CDR also indicates that the inmate received medical treatment. Mr. Torres-Garcia died at age 34 one week after he was booked into Webb County Jail in Laredo, Texas.

Sepsis in a County Jail Outside Texas

The family of an inmate who died of sepsis and pneumonia in a county jail outside Texas says the jail staff neglected him in the days preceding his death. The inmate’s tragic death was described as a “horrific, horrific death.” Regrettably, the 26-year-old was in jail because he took a family member’s advice and turned himself in on an old warrant. The inmate’s goal was to become a good example for his son. Tragically, the inmate was dead just 12 days later.

Witnesses have come forward and claim that the inmate was continuously mocked and ignored as he begged for medical help and eventually died. The medical staff had diagnosed him with a dislocated rib, and he was told not to get out of bed. The cellmates were left to care for the man. Cellmates said they had to feed him food and water by hand. Also, other inmates had him pee in a cup since he could not get out of bed.

One day the inmate screamed for help and said his legs were mottling and turning black. A contract nurse for the jail added a visit to the inmate on a report, but evidence shows she was not at the jail that day, which was the same day the man died. By that point, video evidence shows hundreds of hours in which he was mocked by the staff.

Learn more in Part 1 and this ongoing series.

Making inferences that a person or organization has been involved in wrongs is never an intention on this website. Each post is added as a potential benefit to inmates in county jails in Texas.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh