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Shelby County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

3d interior Jail

In a jail inspection report issued on March 15, 2023, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) cited Shelby County Jail in Texas for noncompliance with two minimum jail standards. The Center, Texas, jail is now listed as a Non-Compliant Jail on the TCJS website. The address of Shelby County Jail is 100 Hurst St, Center, TX 75935.

§265.3-Observation During Holding

Per rule §265.3, jails are required to observe inmates confined in a holding cell or a detoxification cell in intervals not to exceed 30 minutes.

  • The inspector reviewed the observation records and found that staff regularly exceeded the 30-minute observation time frame.

§275.1-Regular Observations by Jailers

Facilities will follow an established procedure for documented face-to-face observation of all inmates by jail staff in intervals not to exceed 60 minutes, per rule §275.1. Also, in areas where inmates are potentially suicidal, assaultive, or mentally ill, or have demonstrated bizarre behavior, observations must be made in increments not to exceed every 30 minutes.

  • Records reviewed showed that staff routinely exceeded both the 60- and 30-minute observation periods.

Both violations involve the supervision of inmates, which is concerning when you realize, for instance, that any inmate could be thinking about suicide or that violence between inmates occurs when supervision is lacking.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh