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Six Inmate Deaths Occur within 18 Months at a County Jail Outside Texas – Part 3 of 3

At the county jail outside Texas this series focuses on, another death occurred that has the family seeking answers. Their loved one was a 31-year-old man who shared a cell with another inmate and was found dead by a jailer. The report initially indicates that the deceased inmate had a medical emergency, but his death was reported as a possible assault. The man’s mother said his body was bruised and there were cuts on his forehead and upper lip. The investigation is ongoing.

The mother points out that her son was the second death at the jail within five weeks, which she said seems to be evidence in itself that something is wrong. In the incident referred to, the inmate was discovered dead in his cell one afternoon as all of the other prisoners were released for outside recreation. In that case, no obvious signs were found to indicate what had occurred or what the manner of death was.

The sheriff made a statement that these events should not be happening and that they want to take every action necessary to prevent custodial deaths.

In Texas, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) is responsible for minimum jail standards, and those standards are designed to keep inmates safe. It is always alarming when an arrest becomes a death sentence. In addition to the trauma of losing a loved one, it is disturbing to think of being arrested on a false or valid charge and dying a wrongful death while in custody.

See Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series.

The posts on this website are meant to assist current and former inmates in city and county jails in Texas and their families. It is never intended to suggest that any misdeeds have occurred on the part of a person or organization.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh