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Smith County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

DM County Jail

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) has recently listed Smith County Jail in Texas as a Non-Compliant Jail on the TCJS website. A Notice of Non-Compliance was issued on June 5, 2023. It specifies the minimum jail standard the jail was cited for in a special jail inspection report issued on June 2, 2023. TCJS inspectors allege that the Tyler, Texas, jail violated 2 minimum jail standards.

The address of Smith County Jail is 227 N. Spring Avenue Tyler, Texas 75702. The jail has a housing capacity of 1,065 inmates. Details on alleged noncompliance follow.

Rule §259.133- Single Cells

Smith County Jail has been cited for violating Rule §259.133- Single Cells, which is in the chapter on New Construction Rules. Single cells shall not be less than eight feet high from finished floor to ceiling and not less than five feet wide from wall to wall. Single cells shall contain not less than 40 square feet of clear floor space. Each cell shall have one bunk, toilet, lavatory, table, and seating separate from the bunk. Single cells should comprise at least 50% of the total inmate capacity of the facility, but in no event shall comprise less than 30% of the total capacity of the facility.

  • During the investigation of complaint 32033, it was discovered that inmate Hunter is housed in a cell that is missing a seat. Based on the documents received from the Smith County Jail, this part has been missing for some time and has been ordered from a manufacturer. As of 5/18/2023, there is no estimated delivery date from the manufacturer.

Rule §285.1-Physical Exercise

Smith County Jail has been cited for violating Rule §285.1-Physical Exercise, which is in the chapter on Recreation and Exercise. Each facility shall have and implement a written plan, approved by the Commission, for inmate physical exercise and physical recreation. Documentation of physical exercise and physical recreation shall be maintained for Commission review. Each inmate shall be allowed one hour of supervised physical exercise or physical recreation at least three days per week.

  • During the investigation of complaint 32033, it was discovered that inmate Hunter was not offered/did not receive sufficient recreation opportunities. Based on documents received from the Smith County Jail, inmate Hunter only received adequate recreation opportunities (one hour, at least three days a week) during the two weeks from 11/20/2022 to 3/25/2023.
Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh