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Stonewall County, Texas Jail Fails State Inspection

3d interior Jail

The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) now lists Stonewall County Jail in Texas as a Non-Compliant Jail on the TCJS website because of a failed jail inspection. The jail inspection report is dated November 9, 2022.

TCJS cited Stonewall County Jail for seven alleged violations of minimum jail standards. The address of Stonewall County Jail is 432 S Jefferson, Aspermont, TX 79502.

RULE §263.54-Equipment

TCJS cited Stonewall County Jail for non-compliance with RULE §263.54-Equipment. This rule requires that all life safety equipment must be kept out of reach of inmates or otherwise secured from unauthorized tampering. In or near each facility control station, at least one self-contained breathing apparatus shall be available and maintained in or near each facility control station. All staff must be trained and quarterly drills must be conducted regarding the proper use of the equipment. At least one unit must be provided for each building of a multibuilding facility and on each floor of a multistory facility.

  • Facility staff was not able to respond properly to a conducted fire drill. The staff members were not able to utilize the facility’s Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)  and advised that they had never been demonstrated on how to use the SCBA.

RULE §265.4(b)-Inmate Files

TCJS cited Stonewall County Jail for non-compliance with RULE §265.4(b)-Inmate Files, which states that upon intake, a medical record shall be established and shall be kept separate.

  • The inmate files were reviewed, and it was discovered that three of four files contained medical paperwork that shall be maintained in a separate medical record.

RULE §269.4(a)

Per the jail inspection report, under RULE §269.4(a), TCJS shall be notified of all escapes from a facility within 24 hours of the escape.

  • An escape from Stonewall County Jail occurred on November 8, 2022, and the county failed to notify TCJS within 24 hours of the event.

RULE §273.5(a)(2)- Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan

Under RULE §273.5(a)(2)- Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan-Identification, procedures for intake screening to identify inmates who are observed or known to be mentally disabled or potentially suicidal must be followed as well as procedures for compliance with the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 16.22 and referrals to available mental health officials.

  • TCJS inspectors noted that the jail staff failed to notify the magistrate within 12 hours, per CCP Article 16.22 when warranted by positive returns on the CCQ or affirmative answers on the Screening Form for Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairments.

RULE §273.5(b)- Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan

RULE §273.5(b)- Mental Disabilities/Suicide Prevention Plan states that an approved mental disabilities/suicide prevention screening instrument must be completed immediately on all inmates admitted.

  • It was determined when reviewing medical files that jail staff is not filling out the Screening Form for Suicide and Medical/Mental/Developmental Impairments in its entirety.

Food Service, RULE §281.5-Staff Supervision

In the chapter regarding Food Service, RULE §281.5-Staff Supervision states that food must be prepared under appropriate supervision, as detailed in the rule.

  • TCJS found that staff who do not possess a food handler license in accordance with Texas Food Establishment Rules (TFER) §228.33 are supervising the preparation of food.

RULE §285.1-Physical Exercise

Documentation of physical recreation and physical exercise must be maintained for Commission review, per RULE §285.1-Physical Exercise. Each inmate shall be allowed one hour of supervised physical activity at least three days per week.

  • The documentation that was provided failed to show that inmates are allowed one hour of supervised recreation at least three days weekly.
Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh