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Suicide is the Leading Cause of Death in Jails

DM Jail Corridor
Inside The Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Jail suicide data for Washington State shows that it is the leading cause of inmate deaths. Since 2013, suicide accounts for 51% of all deaths. To address inmate suicides, Utah Lawmakers voted on and passed a measure to fund suicide barriers. These are like nets. Jails throughout the state with multi-story housing are to be provided with these suicide barriers.

Every state should do all they can to prevent suicides. It is a problem everywhere. On any given day you can read about several new inmate suicides that have occurred. The fact that the problem is worsening is reason enough to take action. A few stories follow.

Two Commit Suicide in a County Correctional Facility

Investigations began when two men died of suicide a day apart. They were at the same county jail outside Texas. One of the inmates was 40 years old and the other was 23 years old. The deaths appear to be suicide, but the Sheriff declined to give a clear answer on the nature of the incidents.

The Sheriff said that both men were in single-occupancy cells in the county jail. They were each on a 30-minute observation schedule. A staff member was required to check on the men continually every 30 minutes, though neither of them was on suicide watch.

Learn more in this ongoing series.

This website seeks to provide helpful information for inmates in county and city jails in Texas. There is never an intention of insinuating that a person or an entity participated in wrongs.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh