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Tarrant County Jail Detainee Writes Suicide Note Before Dying-Pt.4

DM Inmate in handcuffs

On June 1, 2023, during the intake process at Tarrant County Jail, 39-year-old Adrian Chevez made suicidal statements. After he hung himself in his Fort Worth, Texas, cell (59-D-13-02) on June 24, 2023, a suicide note was discovered in his cell. The custodial death report (CDR) sent to the Office of the Attorney General did not indicate whether Inmate Chevez was placed in housing for potentially suicidal individuals.

How Important Is it to Train Jailers for Intake Screening?

Suicides frequently occur in the first hours of incarceration, which makes intake screening an important first step with newly admitted inmates. For intake screening to be effective, new and incoming inmates should be screened at the time of intake and again if circumstances change.

Oftentimes, there are too few mental health staff in correctional facilities. Uncomplicated indicators are needed so that prison officers can complete the screening process. When screening for suicide, staff should be adequately trained and assisted by a checklist for suicidal risk.

In the next segment, items will be listed that indicate that an inmate is at an increased risk for suicide and is in need of further intervention.

Learn more in Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this ongoing series.

One of the purposes of this website is to provide helpful information of benefit to municipal and county jail inmates in Texas. Insinuating that misdeeds have occurred on the part of institutions or persons is not intended on this site.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh