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Tarrant County Jail Fails Inspection

Prison cells in big jail and security guard

The Tarrant County jail recently failed an inspection by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (“TCJS”). This is very concerning, as the Tarrant County jail fairly recently failed another inspection by the TCJS. During the March 8-12, 2021 inspection, the TCJS inspector noted that 140 inmates were not given at least one hour of dayroom time as required by jail standards. The TCJS inspector determined that this occurred on 93 separate days from September 13, 2020 through February 20, 2021. The Tarrant County jail seems to be having, of late, considerable problems. Several inmates have died in the not-to-distant- past in the Tarrant County jail in Fort Worth, Texas.

Written By: author avatar Dean Malone
author avatar Dean Malone
Dean Malone is the founder of Law Offices of Dean Malone, P.C., a jail neglect civil rights law firm. Mr. Malone earned his bachelor's degree at the University of Texas at Dallas, graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA, and from Baylor University School of Law with a general civil litigation concentration. Mr. Malone served in several staff positions for the Baylor Law Review, including executive editor. Mr. Malone is an experienced trial lawyer, trying a number of cases to jury verdict and also handling arbitrations through final hearing. He heads the jail neglect section of his law firm, in which lawyers litigate cases involving serious injury and death resulting from jail neglect and abuse. Lawyers frequently refer cases to Mr. Malone due to his focus on this very complicated civil rights practice area.