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Taylor County Jail Inmate Dies After Being in a Restraint Chair-Pt.1

3d interior Jail

On February 22, 2023, at 9:07 PM, Thomas Ervin Gregory was placed in a detox cell at Taylor County Jail. The booking process had not been completed due to combative behavior. Also, Mr. Gregory had been removed from an emergency restraint chair just before he was moved into a detoxification cell. He died about 90 minutes after being placed in that temporary housing unit. The address of Taylor County Jail where these events occurred is 910 S. 27th, Abilene, TX 79602.

Detoxification of Chemically Dependent Inmates

The percentage of inmates in local Texas jails with substance use disorders has been estimated to be at 30% to 60%. Drug intoxication and symptoms of withdrawal can be evident at the time of booking. However, not all types of substances produce significant withdrawal syndromes.

Withdrawal from cocaine, inhalants, hallucinogens, and stimulants can often be accomplished with symptomatic treatment and psychological support, though periodic reassessment by medical personnel is recommended.

It is impossible to predict the intensity of withdrawal that an individual will experience. Various factors determine the addictive nature of a substance within an individual, including the characteristics of the substance and the person’s neurochemistry, physiology, and psychology.

See this continuing series for more information, including why it can be dangerous to go through withdrawal in a jail.

This post is among the resources on this site intended as a potential benefit to inmates in Texas county and city jails. Making inferences that organizations or individuals have been involved in wrongdoing is never intended.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh