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Texas Inmates Escape, Commit Suicide, and More Without Supervision

3d interior Jail

Texas jail inspection reports often reveal the failure of jailers to conduct face-to-face observations as required. These minimum jail standards are partly designed to protect inmates and the public from a range of potential dangers. In this series, learn about an escape, deaths, and other situations in which Texas inmates or others were at risk due to deficiencies in the provision of inmate supervision.

After 2 Inmates Escape, Bowie County Jail is Cited for Inadequate Supervision

Rule §275.1-Regular Observation by Jailers is in the Texas Administrative Code chapter covering the Supervision of Inmates. In a jail inspection report dated April 25, 2022, Bowie County Jail is cited for failing to provide the required supervision. The rule states that jailers must conduct a face-to-face observation of inmates once every 60 minutes. At-risk inmates, however, must be observed every 30 minutes. Assaultive, mentally ill, and potentially suicidal inmates as well as those who have demonstrated bizarre behavior are those at risk.

The inspector with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) conveyed the following information    in the report about noncompliance with the rule stated above:

An investigation revealed that the escape of two inmates occurred at about 1:00 AM but it was not discovered until about 10:30 AM that they were missing.

Dangers Associated with Escaped Prisoners

News reports showed that the two inmates who escaped Bowie County Jail, which is in Texarkana, Texas, were later seen on the streets of Texarkana. Police got involved and one of the prisoners was shot and killed. Witnesses agreed that the officer had no choice but to shoot to protect another police officer.

Escapees are not only in danger but so is the public. A convicted murderer in Texas escaped a prisoner bus and allegedly killed a family of five in June 2022.

Learn more in this continuing series.

Helping Texas inmates in jails located in municipalities and counties throughout the state is the purpose of this website. There is never an intention of accusing people or organizations of involvement in misdeeds.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh