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Texas Lawyer – A Spate of Custodial Deaths has One State Proposing Jail Reform – Part 4

Fellow inmates of the 36-year-old who was apparently experiencing excruciating pain later spoke about what was happening. One inmate said that the man suddenly broke out in a massive sweat, and the deputies were just looking at them as though saying that he was just detoxing. We were saying that the man needed help immediately.

Another inmate expressed that he did not think the deputies acted quickly enough to what was going on with the suffering inmate. He further said that the inmate was laying on the floor crying out for help and the jailers would not take him seriously.

Jail video shows that the inmate was transferred to the infirmary in a wheelchair just before midnight. The inmate was wincing in pain and hunched over in the wheelchair. The deputy heard the inmate specify that he was suffering from an ulcer. He said also that the inmate exclaimed that he was going to fall out of the wheelchair and he was not going to make it.

When the inmate got to the Infirmary, his vitals failed to show red flags. He was still begging repeatedly to be transported to a hospital for the next 7 hours.

See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and this continuing series to learn more about details of this man’s tragic death plus additional information about other custodial deaths in county jails in the state outside of Texas.

The posts on this website are informational only. There is never meant to be an inference of wrongdoing on the part of any person, organization, or government institution.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh