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Texas Lawyer – Three Former County Jail Inmates in a Jurisdiction Outside Texas Report Allegations of Severe Neglect and Civil Rights Violations – Part 4

cropped image of prison officer wearing handcuffs on prisoner

Alleged Constitutional Rights Violation Continued

After the aforementioned assault, the victim required medical treatment from emergency medical responders. Allegedly, the assaulted inmate was not found by jail staff until a substantial amount of time had passed.

The Sheriff’s Department in charge of the jail is accused of failing to properly and adequately train jail staff, to monitor their performance on the job, and to staff an appropriate number of trained employees at the jail.

Alleged Governmental Abuses

A third former inmate bringing complaints against the county jail accuses the jail of committing gross governmental abuses and showing indifference toward duties in sentencing the inmate. In effect, the inmate claims that he was illegally incarcerated for more than a year and also was:

  • Denied medical care,
  • Subjected to outrageous conduct, and
  • Denied access to the justice system.

The inmate alleges that other inmates were solicited by a court-appointed attorney to administer “jailhouse justice” to him. He says that statements in a report linked to his charges were total fabrications.

The judge in the case has allegedly acknowledged that he made a sentencing error that resulted in the inmate being illegally incarcerated for 392 days.

See Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this four-part series to learn more about the inmates who have accused a county jail outside Texas of neglect and civil rights violations. Inmates have constitutional rights that they don’t lose while being detained in a city or county jail.

The purpose of this and all other posts on this website is to provide information. There is no intent to suggest actions of misconduct on the part of any institution or individual.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh