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Three Former County Jail Inmates in a Jurisdiction Outside Texas Report Allegations of Severe Neglect and Civil Rights Violations – Part 2

Medical Neglect Continued

At one point, the inmate began experiencing paralysis in his arms. He depended on fellow inmates for daily assistance, including for activities such as using the restroom. He told jail personnel about what he was going through, but he was allegedly ignored.

In the month after the fall from his bunk, the inmate was diagnosed as a diabetic. The man accuses the jail of failing to give insulin or check his blood sugars on a consistent basis.

The month after that, the inmate experienced paralysis in his legs, making him, in effect, a paraplegic. Again, he was not immediately referred for an outside medical evaluation.

More than two months after the inmate first reported his injuries resulting from falling off of the bunk bed, he was seen by a specialist and was taken to a hospital. It was found that the inmate had suffered an infection that caused brain lesions and memory deficits. The man was transferred to a nursing home, and that is where he died three months after the fall at the County jail.

See Part 1 and this continuing series to learn more about this inmate’s story and two other inmates who have accused a County jail outside Texas of neglect and civil rights violations. Inmates have constitutional rights that they don’t lose while being detained in a city or county jail.

The purpose of this and all other posts on this website is to provide information. There is no intent to suggest actions of wrongdoing on the part of any institution or person.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author image smchugh
author image smchugh