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Tom Green County Jail is Cited for a Rule Violation

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The Texas Commission on Jail Standards (TCJS) has cited Tom Green County Jail in San Angelo, Texas, for a jail standards violation. TCJS issued a notice of non-compliance to Tom Green County Jail after an inspection that took place on March 5-6, 2024. The jail inspection report shows that Tom Green County Jail violated Rule §279.1-Sanitation Plan in the chapter on sanitation, though it identifies the rule incorrectly as one under the chapter on life safety rules.

Tom Green County Jail’s address is 122 W Harris Ave., San Angelo, Texas 76903. The San Angelo jail has a 1,001-bed capacity.

Excessive Amounts of Nuisance Contraband Found in Tom Green County Jail

TCJS inspectors added a lengthy comment detailing conditions that Tom Green County Jail needs to correct. Scenes noted during the walk-through of the male inmate area were described in detail. The following are examples of inspectors’ observations during the March inspection:

  • In and around inmate bunks, excessive amounts of nuisance contraband were found.
  • Extra blankets and torn mattress covers obstructed the officers’ view of numerous bunks.
  • In multiple areas, clothing lines were constructed using shredded jail property.
  • The locking devices on multiple doors had contraband stuffed into them, allowing doors to be propped open.
  • The officers’ view was obstructed by used pizza boxes throughout the inmate housing areas.

Can Excessive Contraband Endanger Inmates?

Many types of contraband turn up in U.S. jails, the most dangerous of which are weapons and illicit drugs. The conditions described at Tom Green County Jail can endanger detainees because obstructions can prevent jailers from making appropriate face-to-face observations. Because suicide is the number one cause of inmate death in local jails, supervision is one of the most important protections for detainees. In recent months in Texas county jails, inmates have died from suicide at times when jailers were unable to conduct face-to-face checks because their view was obstructed.

There are numerous threats related to contraband, including fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid approved by the FDA for pain relief. At a time when illicit fentanyl has increased the number of deaths in jails, it can be frightening to learn that drones are now often used to deliver illegal contraband to detainees.

The National Institute of Justice recently published a lengthy report on the growing threat of drone deliveries in jails and prisons. When there is evidence of excessive contraband in a facility, it is only natural to recognize that the situation, in several ways, can potentially endanger the lives of detainees.

Help With Jail Negligence Resulting in Death or Serious Injury

Do you need help with a case of possible jail neglect or medical neglect? Our office is dedicated to helping ex-inmates and their families when death or serious injury has occurred due to jail neglect. Experienced help is what you need, to avoid potential missteps within the legal system.

We care about these concerns and invite you to contact us. You can reach us 24/7 via phone call, text, or our online form.

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh