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U.S. Jail Inmates Die After Being Restrained-Pt.3

DM Inmate in handcuffs

A 32-Year-Old Inmate Dies After Suffering Alleged Abuse

A custodial death in a county jail outside Texas has come under scrutiny. A 32-year-old inmate died after he was allegedly subjected to abuse by jailers. The following are details of what allegedly occurred before the inmate’s death:

  • The inmate exposed himself in a holding cell, which instigated the activities described next
  • Jail deputies tased him
  • Jailers pepper sprayed the inmate
  • Jailers strapped him into a restraint chair
  • A spit mask was placed on his face before he was escorted to a shower
  • While in the restraint chair, the inmate’s face was sprayed with a water hose to wash off the remaining pepper spray
  • The inmate died a few minutes after being hosed off

An autopsy found that the 32-year-old inmate’s cause of death included the following contributing factors:

  • He was under the influence of methamphetamine and suffered a sudden cardiovascular collapse from probable excited delirium combined with being placed in restraints.

According to a forensic pathologist, there is a reasonable degree of medical certainty that placing the inmate in physical restraints together with other alleged events caused the inmate’s death. Further, according to the forensic expert, an existing medical condition was worsened due to the alleged events that took place.

See Part 1 and Part 2 of this continuing series.

Providing information to inmates incarcerated in city and county Texas jails is the purpose of this website. Accusing individuals or institutions of participation in misdeeds is never an intention.

–Guest Contributor

Written By: author avatar smchugh
author avatar smchugh